Swedish crochet
nålbindning - acknowledged
as a ‘new’ discovery
and an authentic technique.
Crochet nålbindning with a hook is relatively easy to learn (compared to its tricksy sister technique of nålbindning with a single, large eyed needle) – if you can crochet you will be able to pick it up quickly.
Elsie Britt Sondell Wårnersson, a professional nålbindning expert, ‘discovered’ this technique in the early 2010’s when examining an ancient glove that had been found in Jämtland Sweden. The Jämtland museum had labelled it as nålbindning – there were similarities but she believed it to have been made with a hook rather than a single needle. She called on her good friend the knitwear designer Ulrika Andersson to help her decipher and recreate the work – and crochet nålbinding was re-discovered. The Nordiska Museet in Stockholm has officially acknowledged this as a ‘new’ technique, however there must be a distinction between nålbindning with a single needle and short lengths of yarn, and crochet nålbindning which is done with a single hook and unbroken yarn. They are not the same but they are equally old and visually there are similarities.
Smygmask Virkning – or slip stitch crochet – is an equally ancient crochet technique long used as a distinctively firm and decorative edging for Swedish folk knitted mittens, socks and sweaters. It is traditionally worked with a distinctive flat hook - a sked krok - which is also known as a Bosnian, or Shepherds crochet hook. Beautiful textures and colour work patterning can be achieved with this simple technique and it was often combined with knitting, twined knitting and nålbindning to create distinctive and hardwearing edgings and cuffs.